Welcome to the 2019 swim season!

We will be using SignUp Genius for meet volunteers again this season. Rather than assigning jobs and meets to work, we are allowing volunteers to pick the jobs they would like to work at each meet. All of the meet links will be posted to the team website. We ask that all families sign up to work AT LEAST, but not limited to, 3 meets throughout the season. This is not inclusive of invitationals. If your child is registered for a team invitational outside of the regular season meets, please expect to participate in the volunteering positions ore team is assigned by the directing team. Please understand that if all positions are not filled, we will need to assign families to these positions.

The coaching staff and parent board appreciate all the work you put forth during the season as our meets would not run without you! It takes approximately 70 parents to make a meet run smoothly, this would not be possible without you!

This sign up does not apply to ready bench or table workers as you will be contacted separately. If you do not hear from someone about these two positions, please volunteer in accordance to the above guidelines.

Thank you for your time! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Keith Mecutchen at the volunteer coordinator email: kmecutchen@almo.com or wstdragonvolunteers@gmail.com

  • Please follow the link on the website and sign up for at least 3 meets now.
  • The deadline to do this for the full season is Wednesday, June 20th.
  • Unfilled positions for the whole season will be assigned after this deadline.
  • If there is a meet that you cannot work, email Keith Mecutchen now so that you do not get assigned to that meet.
  • Remember our coaches and volunteer parent board are already working hard for all of the swimmers – please take responsibility for your role as a volunteer and help as much as you are able.

Sign-up now yourself so that you get to pick your jobs and dates instead of being assigned.

Thank you!