Pre-season week 2

Hello Dragons! Make sure to check in at the registration table each night of preseason practice to get your band. ALL swimmers will be checked in and given a bracelet if their volunteer has been paid. No swimmer will be permitted in the pool unless their volunteer fee...

First Practice is TODAY!!!!!!

Hello Dragons! Our season begins on TODAY!!!!  There will be a brief parent meeting at 5pm by the pool shed. This week: Please make sure your swimmers have sneakers for dryland. Also do not forget: *goggles *water bottle *towels *sneakers *sweatshirts (it is cold...

Upcoming Dates and Spirit Wear link!!!!!

Upcoming Dates: 5/23-6/6 Spirit Wear Sale – Get your Dragons gear here 5/28 4:15-6pm pre-season practice          5pm Parent Meeting by the shed at the pool          6:30- 8pm Rita’s Celebrity Scoop NIght: Come support a local business and our team while...