Hello Dragons!
Make sure to check in at the registration table each night of preseason practice to get your band.
ALL swimmers will be checked in and given a bracelet if their volunteer has been paid. No swimmer will be permitted in the pool unless their volunteer fee has been paid.
Please make sure your swimmers have sneakers for dryland. Also do not forget: *goggles *water bottle *towels *sneakers *sweatshirts (it is cold those first few weeks)
For new families and those that have recently registered, please review our website for all recent posts (it runs like a blog). You can also access the Parent Handbook and the New Parent / New Swimmer Resource Center for information.
In order to avoid lengthy emails, all information that has been sent via email over the last 2 months is on our website.
Upcoming Dates:
5/23-6/6 Spirit Wear Sale – Get your Dragons gear here
6/4 4:15-6pm pre-season practice
5pm Parent Meeting by the shed at the pool TONIGHT
6/6 4:15-6pm pre-season practice
6/11 4:15-6pm pre-season practice
Last day to order team suits-see the website or previous emails for information
If you have any questions, you can contact Jenny at wstwaysandmeans@gmail.com
6/12 & 6/18 Computer/Timing Table Training- 7pm- details will be coming
6/17-CWC Entries due by the end of practice-form attached below
URGENT team needs: Stroke & Turn and Table Workers – see below for information about these jobs.
There will be a sign up sheet at the registration table tonight or you can reply to this email.
A brief description is included and more information can be found in the WST Handbook.
Summer swim is very laid back and this is a fun way for newer parents to learn and understand all the strokes. Please consider assisting the team in this capacity!
If you have already registered and are interested in volunteering for Stroke and Turn or you have questions before “diving in” please email Dragonsreg@gmail.com to help answer questions.
- Table Workers (3) – Records/Scoring –VACANT (3)
Training is required and will be offered.