COLD WATER CLASSIC-This is an “all hands on deck” event. Many hands make light work.
Our annual team fundraiser. Cold Water Classic information is posted on our website at
Cold Water Classic donations sign up
Cold Water Classic Volunteer sign up (all families must work this event)
DATES: Thursday, June 22rd – 10& under ~ Friday June 23th – 18 & under
The Deadline for registration is noon June 16th (note:There is no practice this day.)
CWC forms – forms should be handed to a coach at practice or emailed to
checks made out to WST should accompany your form.
Friendly reminder to our returning Dragons and an important notification for our new families:
The Warrington Swim team is not part of the Warrington Township. We are a separate entity that has a contract with the township to rent portions of the grounds for our practices and meets. Per agreement with Warrington Township, the Warrington Swim team is only permitted access to the upper pool area and restrooms. The entire lower pool area, the gaga pit, the playground, and basketball/tennis courts are off limits during swim practice and meets. It is a liability for both the swim team and the swim club. Even if you are a member of the pool, when the pool is not open to the public, it is not staffed, so please do not enter those areas of the pool.
Thank you for your cooperation.
The sign ups for our Dual Meets are available.
Dual Meet RSVP
Dual Meet volunteer sign up (reminder that you must work at least 2)
Dates to Remember: (team calendar)
- June 13-Table worker training 7pm Virtual
- June 15-Stroke and Turn Training 7pm virtual
- June 16th CWC forms and food donations due by noon
- June 19th-morning practices start
- June 20-Stroke and Turn Training 7 pm virtual
- June 22-10U Cold Water Classic
- June 22-Table Worker Training 7pm Virtual
- June 23-12U-18U Cold Water Classic
- June 28-7:30 am Picture Day
- June 29-Swim Meet Home
- July 6-Swim Meet Away
- July 8-Richboro Pentathlon (Invitation Only)
- July 11-Swim Meet Away
- July 15-Odd Age Invitational
- July 18-Swim Meet Home
- July 20-Swim Meet Home
- July 28&29 Divisions
- August 1- Finals